
As part of its sustainable mobility coalition, MoHo called on RaiseLab to source and categorize 83 low-carbon mobility and work organization initiatives and startups to facilitate sustainable home-work mobility in organizations. The approach is twofold: decarbonize journeys and rethink the organization of work itself.

This toolkit, provided by RaiseLab, will feed into MoHo's open source platform for employers to help them transform home-work mobility practices by taking into account work organization and supporting behavior change.

This platform, which will be released at the end of 2024, is the solution resulting from 18-month research conducted in coalition with 3 areas of expertise and 50 partners gathered at MoHo during 3 collective working hours on the keys to a mobility policy that works in companies! She will also present a multidisciplinary methodology for project management in companies, good practices and change management resources to be used according to the different profiles of companies and employees.

What is the sustainable mobility coalition by MoHo?

The sustainable mobility by MoHo coalition brought together 50 partners on the decarbonization of home-work journeys in connection with work organization and change management. At the end of 18 months of work, action research with 3 multidisciplinary experts and a great deal of collective intelligence, an open source platform to guide employers on key home-work issues will see the light of day. She will present a methodology for managing mobility projects in companies taking into account the organization of work and change management, a mapping of low-carbon mobility initiatives in the country, testimonies of good practices, as well as a toolbox of low-carbon mobility solutions, work organization, financing and change support.

During their sourcing, RaiseLab experts identified the main trends of startups providing solutions on home-work mobility in 2024 in France and tools to support these transformations (low-carbon mobility solutions and solutions for managing the organization and quality of life at work).

During the creation of this toolkit, RaiseLab experts identified the main trends: low-carbon mobility solutions for the home and work and solutions to improve the organization and quality of life at work in connection with mobility.

Theme 1: Low-carbon mobility solutions

  • It is becoming more and more obvious that the decarbonization of home-work mobility requires a transversal approach, not limited only to the substitution of thermal vehicles by electric vehicles or to the simple reduction of trips. For example, one of the keys to this paradigm shift lies in giving priority to use over possession.
  • A multiplicity of complementary approaches makes it possible to address sometimes complex needs and potential obstacles to the adoption of sustainable transport methods.
  • RaiseLab has identified 4 sub-categories that reflect this diversity of approaches, contributing to a comprehensive range of mobility products and services for different needs:
    • Players specializing in the installation and operation of charging stations are boosting innovation in this sector in order to cover all needs and spaces, from home to work through public roads, in order to meet the concerns of users and facilitate the adoption of electric or hydrogen vehicles.
    • Transport providers allow you to:
      • 1. Promote access to carbon-free vehicles, in particular through leasing and self-service
      • 2. Bring innovative alternatives to the market, in particular with the emergence of “VELI” (light intermediate vehicles), which are positioned as an alternative halfway between bicycles and cars.
      • 3. Sharing the use of thermal vehicles to limit their individual use
    • MaaS offers have been an emerging trend in recent years, by offering users directly, or indirectly via local authorities, the possibility of fluidly combining different modes of transport (“intermodality”) or different networks to make their trips.
    • Actors offering retrofit services offer two complementary approaches: the decarbonization of thermal vehicles by equipping them with batteries, and the electrification of bicycles to promote their use and limit the use of other means of transport that emit CO2.

Theme 2: Human Resources (HR) Management Solutions

  • To reduce home-to-work trips, it is becoming necessary to rethink the organization of work in a global way, without limiting ourselves to changes in means of transport (e.g. encouraging carpooling and the use of public transport) and the company's mobility policy.
  • The emergence of innovative startups offering solutions that facilitate remote working illustrates a promising approach to meeting this challenge.
  • RaiseLab was able to identify 4 sub-categories that make it possible to address the subject of reducing home-work emissions other than through a pure means of mobility:
    • Hybrid work management solutions, which make it possible to organize remote or multi-site work, to better collaborate, and thus to limit non-essential travel (e.g.: M-Work, Klaxoon...).
    • Employee benefits management solutions, which allow companies to finance part of the transition to more sustainable mobility for their employees (e.g.: Leeto, Happypal...).
    • Solutions to improve the quality of life at work, which make it possible to maintain the commitment of employees even at a distance (e.g. Supermood, Haiilo...)
    • Assessment solutions for business management, which make it possible to carry out global assessments, such as carbon balances or fleet analyses, to identify optimization opportunities (e.g.: Aktio, Nelson, etc.).
  • These diversified approaches demonstrate that the reduction of home-to-work trips can be effectively addressed through structural and organizational changes, well beyond the simple modification of mobility habits.


RaiseLab is the first player dedicated to supporting large organizations in creating value, alliances and collaborations with technological players such as startups, scale-ups and innovative SMEs.

The mission of RaiseLab is to meet their strategic challenges by imagining, building and executing these alliances, whether in formats of co-development, joint venture creation, integration, integration, minority or majority investment. RaiseLab has clients from all sectors, including: L'Oréal, LVMH, LVMH, CITEO, Veolia, Michelin, CNP, BNP, BNP, E. Leclerc, etc.


MoHo's mission is to create multi-actor and intergenerational coalitions to find systemic solutions to major environmental and societal issues. In France and Europe, we bring together companies, public actors, citizens, citizens, researchers, researchers, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, NGOs, associations, students on key themes such as sustainable cities, low-carbon mobility, plastic packaging, plastic packaging and the inclusion of young people. MoHo has a 7,500 m2 space dedicated to the positive impact in Normandy, in Caen, which brings together and makes audiences from all walks of life collaborate through work spaces and events that promote the collision of ideas.