Research and Innovation
Unither Pharmaceuticals
Realization of a sourcing on the theme “reaching the retina without injection”

Background and needs
The group's Innovation Department wishes to know the state of the art and current developments in order to find alternative solutions to intra-retinal injections, which are expensive and painful, which are now the default solutions for treating widespread eye diseases.
Actions and deliverables
- Framing the need, use case and research scope of startups
- Analysis of the various existing technologies and categorization of these
- Identification of 33 companies and research centers
- Selection of 7 companies for short-term collaboration, selected according to their relevance in relation to the defined perimeter
- Detailed presentation of the companies considered to be the most relevant
The mission carried out allowed Unither:
- To have an extensive list of companies to enrich the group's knowledge on innovations in the treatment of eye diseases;
- To have a qualified list of the most relevant actors to successfully carry out partnerships in various possible forms (experimentation, participation, etc.).
"We were lucky enough to work with RaiseLab in a highly technical field that is still in its infancy, namely alternatives to intravitreal injections. Their work enabled us to significantly broaden our knowledge base and our understanding of the subject, by bringing start-ups that we hadn't previously identified to our attention. Working with RaiseLab helped us determine some new avenues for our work, and widened our view. We very much appreciated their working method, their monitoring and understanding of the subject, and how they tweaked their solutions to fit with Unither’s strategy." Nathalie Masson, Innovation & Development Director, Unither Pharmaceuticals
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