Research and Innovation
Scouting and platform building - Decarbonizing commuting to work

Background and needs
MoHo called on RaiseLab to identify solutions to help decarbonize commuting, which constitutes a major source of GHG emissions. The approach is twofold: decarbonize commutes and rethink the organization of work itself. RaiseLab provided the content and architecture for MoHo's online platform, aimed at stakeholders interested in tackling the issue.
Actions and deliverables
RaiseLab's support covered a number of areas:
- Framing the need, the use case and the startups' research scope (use case, geography, etc.).
- Analysis of existing technologies across two themes (carbon-free mobility solutions and HR management solutions).
- Segmentation into 8 broad categories and creation of 17 filters and underlying tags
- Identification of 83 relevant solutions
The assignment enabled MoHo to have :
- A rich database of solutions for decarbonizing commuting in France
- A relevant nomenclature and tags system for the creation and future enrichment of their online platform
"We were supported by RaiseLab to understand the challenges of carbon-free mobility between home and work. The team carried out a rigorous work of organization and very valuable nomenclature and allowed us to discover new types of solutions. The consultants have shown a great ability to listen and adapt, regularly ensuring that the work meets our expectations. The final deliverable is of high quality and provided us with a clear basis for further work." Eva Macaigne, Director of Programs, MoHo
For more information, read our blog post.
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